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Refund & Guarantee

Due to the nature of the services that we provide, we have a very strict no refund policy. Your payment for services serves as a commitment which you are making as an investment in the betterment of your dog. When you book a service with us, we are committing to providing you with our time, effort, knowledge, and coaching. Please understand that we are working with sentient beings, which are subject to change based on any number of factors or influences in any given environment. Kyber K9 Services will not provide a refund to any party for services already purchased, as your purchase reserves a space in our limited capacity of active training clients. We understand that life happens, and will review cancellations within 24 hours on a case-by-case basis to determine if the session will be able to be rescheduled or will count as a lesson received out of any private training packages. Any individual more than 20 minutes late to a session as scheduled will forfeit that session without refund or credit. In the event that you change your mind, move away, are unhappy with the training progress that your dog is making, decide to relinquish possession of or rehome your dog, no refunds will be granted. By making a purchase with us, you are agreeing to the service terms outlined for that service. Progress or maintenance of the level of obedience your dog achieves will be highly contingent on following the advice or instructions given to you by your trainer. We cannot un-teach your dog the skills that they have learned, or rescind the information that we share with you as an owner. Please be mindful that, like you, we operate based on the conglomerate of our previous experiences, so as new behaviors or scenarios arise there will be an element of troubleshooting. Your dog is not a robot, and changing behavior is not as simple as fixing a mechanical device or program. Our trainers will stand ready to support and work with you regarding issues that arise, and will be candid about when they have reached the limit of their expertise. At such a point, we may refer you to another trainer, or assist you in researching another reputable source of information on the topic that you are struggling with, should one exist. Should we, for any unforeseen reason, be unable to provide you with your service as scheduled, we will do our best to provide advance notice and be willing to offer an alternative accommodation such as the option to complete a virtual lesson (for private lessons) or complimentary extension of your program up to one week (applicable to board and train or day training).



Guarantee Policy


As with any training service, we are unable to offer any type of a 100% guarantee, and would advise against working with any trainer who does so. Similar to your personal trainer, we are unable to Your dog is a dynamic, sentient being, and therefore will always be subject to influence by the environment and the reinforcers that their behaviors will contact. Because we are unable to go home with you, you bear responsibility for upkeeping and growing the progress that your dog will make. What we can guarantee, is that our trainers will always be willing to offer you support and guidance, for the remainder of your dog's life. When we start working with you, we are beginning a partnership in which we vow to be in your corner working WITH you to help you achieve success unique to your life with your dog. We appreciate the commitment that you make to your dog by implementing consistent, clear, and fair training techniques. We seek to welcome you to our growing community of well-educated dog owners enjoying their best lives with their canine companions. 


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