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Day Training is the ideal hybrid program for busy working professionals, families, students, or the committed pet owner who desires a highly-trained dog without extended periods of time away in board & train. While you work hard, your dog receives one on one training sessions, structured play, and socialization opportunities as they progress through the program. Drop your pup off with our professional staff on your way to work, and increase your productivity with peace of mind that your dog's physical and mental needs are being fulfilled. Your trainer will provide photos and videos of your dog's progression for you to review at your convenience. Because maintaining behavior, particularly newly learned behavior, demands consistency in practice we require that once a week at pickup, you will complete a transfer training lesson so that you are able to keep up with all the skills and techniques used with your dog throughout their training days. This program is ideal for dogs who do not have severe behavioral struggles such as separation anxiety or serious reactivity, as such behaviors require a very consistent application of training technique and timing over a longer period of time. Day training is often selected as a follow-up to our Board & Train programs, to assist in maintaining your dog's progress made in a less intensive fashion. 

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